I have no reason to consider going elsewhere at this point but I’m only 2 months into a two year contract. Vodafone weren’t prepared to offer equal to 3, so here I am. Loyalty only pays if the provider is prepared to give equal to their competitors. So when 3 were offering the latest iPhones on no pay in and only a 2 year contract for less money than I was paying for an old iPhone, and also to know that 3’s coverage was equal to that of Vodafone, what other considerations did I need to make? None! I looked at upgrading my phone with Vodafone back in October 2020 but the deals they were offering didn’t appeal mainly because with them they always want their customers to pay into getting the latest or near latest iPhone. For as long as I have had a mobile phone I had always been loyal to Vodafone until my contract with them expired in January.